Bug reports and some suggestions
Posted: 19 Apr 2023, 03:48
Hello Petr,
I found your App some weeks ago in the Playstore and began loving it very much!
Despite that I found some issues, they relativates its use for me quite a bit:
Kind regards,
I found your App some weeks ago in the Playstore and began loving it very much!
Despite that I found some issues, they relativates its use for me quite a bit:
- I would like to see all aviation related airfields in germany, not only the ED...
- means: private airfields, UL-airfields and sailplane airfields
those are not availabe at the moment
- you may have a look at Apps like Enroute, which is for free or VFRNav, or AviaMaps
- all of them displays the needed Airfields
- You can retrieve the whole data from OpenAIP (https://www.openaip.net/data/airports)
- Furthermore, there is a list of geodata of all airports in germany https://www.dulv.de/sites/default/files/Einfache_Seite_Files/Gps.html
- means: private airfields, UL-airfields and sailplane airfields
- Do you check your forum regularly? -> I posted some comments without reply yet...
- Export of the Flightplan as "Flugdurchführungsplan_vfr.xls" contains lots of errors.
- I am a programmer too and maybe being capable of correcting those errors in the xls-file.
- Can you explain where this template is filled with data and how? Or do you fix it yourself?
- I am a programmer too and maybe being capable of correcting those errors in the xls-file.
- Splitscreen isn't usable:
- the app isn't able to recover the correct screen size when tried to use in split screen.
Android 10 and 13 here in use.
- my workaround is:
- swiping to a different view (e.g. instruments), then I am able to enter preferences and then leaving preferences -> FlyIsFun is able to adapt to the correct screen size
- the app isn't able to recover the correct screen size when tried to use in split screen.
- Display GDL-90 data:
- It would be nice, if bearingless targets won't displayed as surrounding airplanes
instead, for better readability, it should displayed as a circle, like in VFRNav
- (nearby) targets should be displayed with their height number above/under me and a short line indicating their directions
- in the preferences should be a menu to set the displayed targets/aircraft +/- my actual height/altitude
e.g. display only aircrafts, that are +/- 3000 ft above AND under me
- btw: I am using a Stratux device for Traffic Collision Avoidance
- It would be nice, if bearingless targets won't displayed as surrounding airplanes
Kind regards,