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ICAO maps as background

PostPosted: 04 Apr 2018, 19:14
by Tonio
As you know, Fly is Fun developer team is not really pushing usage of ICAO maps in background.

They consider, with reason that Fly Is Fun air navigation database, that is updated following AIRAC cycle is certainly much more accurate and up to date that what we could get on map that are printed and updated once a year.

I’m sure they are right.

But do to ???? some of us dream being able getting in background of FIF, what they get on their paper map.

Editerra, former Cartabossy Editor, released 2 years ago “Air Million Maps”, its own collection of aviation maps, that is now covering most of Europe see on their web site
Editerra is partnering to with Jeppesen

Today, I had a chance exchanging with Mrs Sandrine Rimajou, project manager of Air Million maps.

I asked her, if it could be possible getting their maps in RMapSQLite format (the one supported by Fly is Fun). Getting their maps in RMapSQLite format will allows, those who wants, choosing them as FIF background.

The answer was, of course, if we have request, we will more than ready doing it.

If you are interested, do not hesitate asking here by mail. Here mail is “ sandrine (dot) rimajou @ editerra (dot) fr ”

Re: ICAO maps as background

PostPosted: 20 Mar 2019, 20:16
by RogerF
Good idea, Tonio.

Note that for France, I prefer the Cartabossy, because the principle of the map is the same, and you get (for free) the digital map, in various formats, when you buy a paper map.

As far as I could see on their web site, Editerra requests you to pay again for the digital version.
So I would only go to them for countries other than France.

Re: ICAO maps as background

PostPosted: 22 Mar 2019, 23:21
by Tonio
Hi Roger

You are the only reaction, which mean that there is little interest for such soliution.

And for France, as you, I'm using Cartabossy, thanks to your MBTILES to RMAPSQLITE solution

Have nice and safe flights
