Visual improvements

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Visual improvements

Postby Johannes » 22 Apr 2017, 18:14

Hi, I'm using FiF on a 10 inch tablet as kneeboard when flying helicopter and it works very well.
1. Optimize dashboard size for tablets
The app isn't very optimized for bigger screens than cellphones. The "dashboard" at the bottom of the map and terrain pages takes up way too big part of the screen, and thereby the map gets to be relatively small.
Would be great if you could optimize for tablets (or make it possible to adjust the size of the "dashboard")
2. Too big aircraft symbol
The aircraft symbol is too big in the map screen. Would be good if you could have options for small, medium or large (or a sliding scale) to adjust it's size. (In the terrain page the size is by default smaller and better, but if it would be adjustable it would be even better)

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Re: Visual improvements

Postby kitercuda » 23 Apr 2017, 11:05

1. I want to implement this option: user could define his own screen at XML file. But I do not know when. It is very time consumptin task.

2. I will do it.
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Re: Visual improvements

Postby Johannes » 23 Apr 2017, 17:42

Looking forward to it!
Thanks for reading, answering and taking us, the users of this great app, seriously!!!
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Re: Visual improvements

Postby Johannes » 01 Aug 2017, 02:40

2 fixed in 19.83 Thanks alot!
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Re: Visual improvements

Postby Johannes » 10 Nov 2019, 20:35

Hi, any progress on the optimizing for tablets?
As you can see in the photo, the dashboard is taking up way too much space of the screen

DSC_3388-1548x2107.JPG (711.04 KiB) Viewed 6486 times
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Re: Visual improvements

Postby 177 » 12 Nov 2019, 16:21

Regarding 2nd suggestion:

Personally, I would love to see a simple pointy arrow which is used by many navigation apps. I know that a plane/helicopter icon is more appealing for air navigation, but it also takes away precious screen space.
navigator.png (13.8 KiB) Viewed 6459 times
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Re: Visual improvements

Postby kitercuda » 20 Nov 2019, 18:50

Yus, but this is very similar to FIF North symbol.
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Re: Visual improvements

Postby navvegante » 19 Jul 2020, 03:19

I have a 8 inch Samsung Tablet S2 and the Rose have been reduced too much, (blue arrows)
Also the Bearing 026, Course, the route look reduced in size too. (Yellow arrows, pls see the photo) You can compared with the previous post from Johannes post 10 Nov 2019, 16:35
You know presbicia don't let you see small numbers, that's why I had to buy 8 inches screen, and need big numbers.
Would be nice to have those font adjustable too.
Thanks Petr
FIF Tab 8 in 20200717-124927.png
Tablet S2 8 inches
FIF Tab 8 in 20200717-124927.png (315.78 KiB) Viewed 5689 times
FIF Tablet 10 in.jpg
Tablet Samsung 10 inches
FIF Tablet 10 in.jpg (208.38 KiB) Viewed 5689 times
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Re: Visual improvements

Postby kitercuda » 06 Sep 2020, 10:00

I will work on it...
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