I represent a group of wildlife survey pilots in East Africa; we census wildlife from aircraft, using sample techniques, in controlled situation of height control (above ground) to maintain constant sample size. Eg we fly at precise low level, eg 350' agl, to maintain constant sample size. This height is maintained with reference to a radar altimeter, that has a standard analogue (dial) scale, of 0-500' in 100' increments with 10' sub-increments; then 500'-2000' in 100' increments. Ie it is standard instrument, eg King Gold-Crown, Silver-Crown. Can you duplicate such readout, ie a simulated instrument with circular dial (can send you picture if you want? This on one side of the screen (landscape layout), the GPS'd path of the aircraft across the SRTM 'terrain' on the other? This is so easy to follow, a digital readout of height AGL less easy to follow when there is so much else to concentrate on.
So questions:
1. Can you do the above?
2. Does this app download the STRM in the 90m or 30, 'pixel' size? We really have to be a bit precise, flying at this low level, and have explored 90m, it is satisfactory, anything bigger than this may not work for us.
Thanks for your help, and do you have an email address we can contact you directly on this matter?
Richard, Kenya