Selection of the active aircraft by a simple clic?

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Selection of the active aircraft by a simple clic?

Postby RogerF » 24 Aug 2019, 19:33

When the Aircraft list is displayed, a simple clic on an aircraft has no effet.
Selection requires a long press + another clic on "set in use".

Suggestion: use the simple clic on an aircraft to make it active.
This is probably the most usual action for users flying different aircraft types.
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Re: Selection of the active aircraft by a simple clic?

Postby Viking » 25 Aug 2019, 13:33

SLT RogerF

C'est déjà fait depuis ..... !
It's already done since .... !

Un clic dans le rond de gauche met l'appareil "in use"
A shot tap in the circle on the left and the aircraft is "in use"

Bon dimanche.
Good Sunday.

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Re: Selection of the active aircraft by a simple clic?

Postby RogerF » 26 Aug 2019, 16:52

Merci Viking pour le truc, mais encore faut-il le deviner: si on clique ailleurs dans la boite, par exemple sur le texte avec le nom de l'avion, rien ne se passe.

Hi Petr,
Viking just informed me that direct selection is possible clicking on the circle.
Now, I know what to do.
Note that the first way a user might interact with this menu is probably to click somwhere in the aircraft box.
If you click on the text with the name of the aircraft, nothing happens.
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Re: Selection of the active aircraft by a simple clic?

Postby Viking » 26 Aug 2019, 19:50

Hi RogerF

Same thing with icons of AD, runways, and others icons of database, a shot tap on icon (on left) opens a new choice.

C'est le même principe que tous les points de la data base (AD, pistes, vor, NDB, obstacles, WP, etc...) un appui court sur l’icône de gauche t'ouvre un autre menu de choix.
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Re: Selection of the active aircraft by a simple clic?

Postby RogerF » 27 Aug 2019, 13:05

Indeed. In this case, the menu is on the icon and the default action is on the text.
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