Display of airspaces selected in the database

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Display of airspaces selected in the database

Postby RogerF » 02 Sep 2018, 13:54

Here is a suggestion to facilitate the search of airspaces on the map:

- Current behaviour:
=> When an airport, VOR, NDB,... is selected in the database, for example using Neareast > Airports, a "short press" on an item allows to program a navigation to that point.
A long press displays a menu, including a Tools button, which in turn allows to show the airport at the map centre.
=> When an airspace is selected, a "short press" has no effect.

- Suggestions 1:
=> Implement a "short press" on an airspace item to display it on the map:
- The idea would be that his has the same effect as tapping the border of the airspace: display of a popup windows with the airspace details + highlight the airspace in yellow.
- Ideally, the map should center on the airspace and zoom out if needed to show it completely, based on the min/max lat/long of the airspace area.
- This would facilitate the identification of the airspace on the map.

- Suggestion 2:
=> Implement a button "Highlight" available with a "long tap" on an airspace item, additionally to the existing buttons "Edit, VHFs, Export, Delete"
- The idea would be that this has the same effect for a short tap in suggestion 1 above.
- However, the airspace would remain permanently highlighted until the user makes a "short press" on the popup window with the airspace details.
- This would allow for keeping focus on a particular airspace to avoid entering (or exiting) it inadvertently.

Thank you in advance for considering this proposal, and of course feel free to ask for clarifications.
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Re: Display of airspaces selected in the database

Postby RogerF » 18 Jun 2019, 21:38

Hi Petr,
Any reaction to these suggestions made last year?
When flying a glider in a sport area, the capability to permanently visualise the reserved area to make sure to stay inside is very important.
Beyond the legal aspect, even a small deviation outside the area makes the flight unusable for sport challenges.
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Re: Display of airspaces selected in the database

Postby kitercuda » 08 Jul 2019, 18:34

I hope next upgrade - possible tap at airspace at the airspaces list - Display at the centre of map.
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Re: Display of airspaces selected in the database

Postby RogerF » 08 Jul 2019, 18:46

Thanks Petr.
Looking forward for it.
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