traffic receiver pilot aware "rosetta"

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traffic receiver pilot aware "rosetta"

Postby turillo1986 » 06 Feb 2019, 13:37

Hi Everyone,
i've just discovered this interesting traffic receiver that shows the traffic close to you, trasmitting with a transponder either mode C or S and of course ADSB out.
I think it's a real news for us here in Europe and plus it isn't very expensive.

I see that it is compatible with pratically every flight planning software but not with Fly is fun :(
it is compatible with

I therefore believe that they are open to collaborate also with FIF. It would be amazing to have them on the map, or maybe with a dedicated page showing the radar image.
any chanche we see this happening?

this is the product:
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Re: traffic receiver pilot aware "rosetta"

Postby turillo1986 » 01 Apr 2019, 15:27

wondering if the message has been seen and something can be done with it, it's such a great product, i invite everyone to try it. Now i have flown roughly 30 hours with it and it told me so many info on the near traffic, wish it was implemented on the FIF map, not obliging me to use my phone as a radar screen.

again, if I can help somehow, more than happy to do so, FIF has to be an active community, not a passive one relying only on Petr efforts (which are already amazing!).
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Re: traffic receiver pilot aware "rosetta"

Postby Tonio » 02 Apr 2019, 05:55

Hi Turillo

Petr told me once that he was expecting implanting an interface between ADSB receiver (ADSB-In) and FIF
but at this time it wasn't a top prioprity, as only few general aviation air planes have ABSB-Out

Few years ago, UK decided to encourage wide ADSB-Out adoption / installation, allowing connection of uncertified GPS to transponder for Ultralight and Experimental aircraft

Recently EASA did an interesting announcement ... stallation
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Re: traffic receiver pilot aware "rosetta"

Postby turillo1986 » 05 Jun 2019, 10:23

One question: now that the integration for the STRATUX ADSB box has been done, since the one for pilotaware Rosetta works the same, always over WIFI, is it possible to add this conncetion as Well?
THe advantages of Rosetta over STRATUX are:

much cheaper
displays also trasponder S and C without ADSB (no position on radar, but big alert if near you)
FLARM display for gliders

i think it's really interesting for all fly is fun users.

What do you think?
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Re: traffic receiver pilot aware "rosetta"

Postby kitercuda » 06 Jun 2019, 12:57

It is on ToDo list...
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Re: traffic receiver pilot aware "rosetta"

Postby Tonio » 09 Jun 2019, 10:30

Hi Turillo

I’m not so sure that the Rosetta is really cheaper than a Stratux.

Rosetta cost 208.-£ ex VAT (without battery, suction case, AHRS…) and as far I understand, is then subject to a yearly subscription fees to use the service

Stratux cost between US$ 120.- (similar to Rosetta but as kit) and US$ 249.- ready to use including AHRS sensor, external battery, suction case,
Stratux is not yet subject to yearly subscription fees

Previously main advantage of Pilotaware was FLARM traffic reception, but since, a European development team released a “Stratux Europe firmware edition” allowing to get FLARM info via the OGN network.

Remaining advantage of Pilotaware are its strong community in UK, the various installation kits.
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Re: traffic receiver pilot aware "rosetta"

Postby turillo1986 » 10 Jun 2019, 10:39

Dear Tonio,

the annual fee is 12£ + VAT a year and from what i understood it goes as a contribution to the people putting ground stations, giving them free hardware for the installation, so honestly i think is such a small amount for such a great cause that is a plus and not a minus.

The BIIIG advantage of Rosetta is that it shows traffic with FLARM (when in range of a ground station) but, most importantly, it shows all the traffic with a transponder either mode C or S on, even if not ADSB.

This is a huge difference as today ADSB out is very limited and you tend to see only liners or very big GA aircrafts, but you miss most GA as well as ultralights.

BUT, a lot if not most traffic uses a standard trasponder, either on 7000 code, or the code given by ATC and this traffic is shown in Rosetta, unlike stratux.

of course, it can't give the exact position of the traffic as it's not transmitting the coordinated with adsb, but what it shows is the distance from you (with the code and a light, first green, then yellow, then red when very close) and very importantly, the difference in altitude compared to you (+1000, -500, +000 etc..). this information allows you to do separation as well as making it much easier to spot the traffic out of the window as you know where to look.

This is a great achievement and a huge difference in my opinion to stratux which is great when eveyone is ADSB, but we are far from that, at least in EU (USA is much better for this).

Finally, if you have ground stations, transponder transmitting in mode S without ADSB out can be seen o radar with actual position as this is calculated by 2/3 ground stations that do trigonometry with the signal of the trasponder.

For the above reasons, really can't wait to have the Rosetta traffic in FLY IS FUN as it is the best combo out there! :)
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