Customizing special airspaces

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Customizing special airspaces

Postby ReneF » 05 Jan 2017, 09:37

Hi there,
first of all: great software, well done!
But there is a thing I'd like to be improved.

In the settings "customize screen" -> airspaces" you can decide to display the "special use airspaces" or not.
Near my airport is a nuclear power plant. So I like to see this special airspace.
But with displaying the "special use airspaces" I also see a lot of others, which are uninteresting for me and confusing me, e.g. restricted areas above FL100 (FL130) or something like the R-150 (military corridors for night flights). I am a VFR pilot flying only at day time. It would be great if you implement something to hide e.g. the special areas above a certain FL or something like that...

For further question don't hesitate to contact me.

Thanks in advance.
Posts: 2
Joined: 05 Jan 2017, 09:19

Re: Customizing special airspaces

Postby Viking » 10 Jan 2017, 20:27

Hello René,

You can also hide or not some airspaces below or above a certain FL:

* a tap on compas / Application settings / Preferences / Screen settings / Airspaces displaying / you can, here, hide or not some airspaces, flying and not flying.

Have good flights.

Jean-Pierre / LFFD
Posts: 40
Joined: 20 Jul 2015, 14:41

Re: Customizing special airspaces

Postby ReneF » 13 Jan 2017, 15:10

Hi Jean-Pierre,

and thanks for your quick answer.

Yes, this is something like I had in mind, but:
- the threshold for hiding airspaces above a certain level is only applicable in the section for "not flying". Does it mean, that the airspaces will appear when I am flying? I can't test it at the moment because it is too cold or foggy or both. I will come back to this after I checked. Waiting for spring.....
- it removes not all airspaces above the threshold or not completely. Yes, it removes most of them (above the threshold) and it is now a lot more tidy on the map. But some airspaces are not really hidden, they are displayed in thinner lines and they are no longer linked (to open the details popup). It's a little wired.

So, if this function will also work when I am flying, than I am totally happy with it.
(Sorry that I didn't find this function before, but the amount of settings is really amazing and great.)

Best, Rene
Posts: 2
Joined: 05 Jan 2017, 09:19

Re: Customizing special airspaces

Postby Werner » 10 May 2019, 13:32

The Danger airspaces, (permeable)
the Restricted (often permeable)
and the Prohibited (not permeable)
have the same color.
This make the planning difficult.
Posts: 18
Joined: 08 Mar 2013, 09:44

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