Where to find RNP procedures now published in Sweden?

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Where to find RNP procedures now published in Sweden?

Postby jonewborg@telia.com » 02 Oct 2018, 08:49

In Sweden now a number of RNP procedures ,but not finding it in the database!

AIP Sweden has publised AD2 ESGT 5-9, Trollhättan-Vänersborg, RNP RWY 33 29 mars 2018.

In Garmin Pilot with IAIP AD2 maps it is found, but not in Fly is Fun maps!

How come?
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Re: Where to find RNP procedures now published in Sweden?

Postby jonewborg@telia.com » 31 Dec 2018, 08:36

Yesterday i was flying in sunny winterweather over Värmland in west Sweden. Started i Karlstad ESOK and flew westbound to Arvika closer to norwegian border and made a Fly is Fun loc/GP procedur to rwy 01 ESKV. Then we headed for Torsby ESST. My copilot had Garmin Pilot in his pad and we foundout that ESST had got RNP procedures last weeks, so we followed the RNP34. Very nice was that the newly installed Garmin 430 W, hade the complete procedure , so we followed it also there.

The most fantasic was the GNSS GLIDESLOPE to minima rwy 34.

The RNP procedures for ESST is published at Swedish IAIP AD 2.

When will FIF get those RNP points and make it possible to follow?

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Re: Where to find RNP procedures now published in Sweden?

Postby jonewborg@telia.com » 05 Feb 2019, 09:17

When will PDF Cycle 19-01 come to replace the one year old 18-01?
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Joined: 29 Sep 2016, 10:41

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