How to use Fly is Fun with X-Plane on a PC.
I have been an avid Flightsim buff for many years. I also think Fly is Fun is the best navigational aid there is for my actual flying. So wouldn't it be great to use FIF whilst flying X-plane on your PC. This would be a much more realistic training aid than the excellent built in simulator. I have discovered that you can. This will work with X-plane 9 or 10. I have tested it with version 10.
Download and install a third party utilty called "X-Plane to GPS" from playstore (this will cost you all of £0.78p) The instructions for use are within this program. Your XPlane computer will need to be equiped with a wireless capability and you need to input the settings into X-plane as per the instructions from "X-Plane to GPS"
How it works.
This utility spoofs the phone to allow wireless, GPS type, input coordinates from your X-plane PC computer and then feeds these co-ordinates through, into Fly is Fun. So now you can fly your favourite sim and use your favourite navigational aid together. Great for training for the coming winter months. This is not my program, I just recently discovered this. Let this forum know how you get on. I'm not sure that the terrain map height works correct (when I quickly tried an ILS approach) but I am still testing . Great fun......TBC.......