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wind estimating facility

PostPosted: 06 Nov 2020, 13:22
by Werner
to estimate the frontal wind, the typical procedure is follows:
from IAS & altitude, calculate the TAS.
check the difference with the GS.

for exemple
IAS = 110 knt
ALT = 9000 ft
GS = 108 Knt
[ EIGS = 94 knt ]

the traditional way is:
Wind = GS - IAS * ( 1 + FL * 1,68 / 1000)

or "simple"
9000 ft / 1000 = 9
9 * aprox 2% = 18%
TAS = 110 * 1,18 =
= 118 plus 10% =
= 118 + aprox 12 = 130 knt
wind = 130 - 108 = 22 knt frontal
is not exact,
is not immediate to calculate.

but we have a navigation calculator.
can be helpful when FiF give us an additional speed data indication.
Its easyer when FiF calculate the "Equivalent Indicated GroundSpeed",
and the pilot can easy see the difference IAS - EIGS
without needing any altitude compensation calculation trough the pilots head.

94 - 110 = -16 knt frontal wind speed. Extremly easy!

Re: wind estimating facility

PostPosted: 06 Nov 2020, 14:03
by Werner
for altitude in ft,
EIGS = GS / ( 1 + ALT * 1.68 / 1000)

for altitude in m, substitute 1,68 with 5,52

(regardless speed unit)

Re: wind estimating facility

PostPosted: 13 Nov 2020, 11:25
by RogerF
FIF already has a "wind measurement" function:

- Click on the compass
- Click on In-flight settings
- Click on Wind
- Click on Measure wind
- Make a 360° keeping a constant IAS.

FIF will calculate the wind component and use it in the display.

At least it should; I experienced some difficulties in using this feature: for a fast turn, the algorithm shows gaps and you need more than a single 360° to get a measurement.
Also, the algorith is not very "fault tolerant" so you need to keep the IAS really accurate during the turn; otherwise, FIF says "Invalid data" and you have to restart the full process.
Maybe Petr will consider making it more flexible.

Note that the calculation formula proposed by Werner would be a fast way to estimate the wind component by typing the compass heading and IAS.
FIF already has all other information.

Re: wind estimating facility

PostPosted: 28 Nov 2020, 18:44
by Werner
my intention was to have just a displayed parameter.
wind = IAS - [displayed parameter] .

Re: wind estimating facility

PostPosted: 19 Apr 2021, 18:48
by kitercuda
You can also diplay WS (wind speed) or WD (wind direction) at the screen. Long press the comnapss rose...
Then if you tap WS or WD value window you will see the context menu. One of the context menu items is Measure wind.