- In Portrait mode, the screen is well used, even with a large vertical view.
There is an option to display 2 or 3 lines, showing 8 or 12 items.
- In Landscape mode, the size of the elements displayed on the left column is rather big.
There is no option: only 8 items are displayed.
Fellow pilots starting to use FIF reported that on a tablet with 4x3 form factor in landscape format, the left column is too big, leaving less space for the map.
Although the size remains acceptable on my MiMax (6.45", very rectangular form factor), I had liked an option to display 12 items like in portrait mode.
Here attached a simulation (on the MiMax) to show that displaying 12 items would better balance the sizes of the different elements and also leave more space available for the map; this would probably be even more interesting on a 4x3 form tablet.