Versions 21

Information about versions

Versions 21

Postby kitercuda » 05 Mar 2018, 18:33

Version 21.51
- Added 8.333 VHFs

Version 21.41
- Easier selecting map objects.
- Removed some bugs

Version 21.40
- Importing database, when it is located on SD card, is much more faster.

Version 21.32
- Added MGRSs coordinates to Flight log raw_data.

Version 21.31
- Internal VHF chnages.

Version 21.30
- When you Export/Import data, application remebers last path
- It is possible to display 8-12 values at the map screen (landscape mode). In the past it was fixed to 8 values. Customize screen...
- Removed minor bugs

Version 21.28
- Appplication remembers last choice for Nav database downloading (check boxes)
- Removed minor bugs

Version 21.27
- Removed bugs

Version 21.26
- Internal changes

Version 21.25
- Airspace list is now displaying airspace VHF is it is available. Long tap map, select Nearest / Airspaces
- Possible to import more openAir airspace types. for more information visit:
- When exporting logbook headers, notes is exporting too.
- Removed bug: When editing route at the map (landscape mode) dialog with number of WPTs was at the middle of screen.
- Removed bug: At Android 7+ application crashed, when sending data

Version 21.24
- Repaired crash after launch. It was caused new airspace data source format (around 10 times more points). Some devices was out of resources. I am very sorry vor any trouble.

Version 21.23
- Removed bug with displaying PDF files

Version 21.21
- Apdated Slovenian language and airports. Thanks to Jernej
- Added French template for Flight log.
- Added German template for Flight log.
- Removed bug - bad displaying distance between WPTs, if GPS was switched off
- Removed bug - some CTRs was displayed like outline only

Version 21.20
- Added Slovenian language. Thanks to Jernej

Version 21.11
- Repaired METARs, TAFs
- Possible to replace original sounds by your own. Have a look at the FLY is FUN folder / Sounds

Version 21.10
- Added Bird areas and update database for Germany. Thanks to J�rg and Bundesamt f�r Naturschutz (BfN).
- Nav item list = when you use Nearst or Search, there is displayed path for each navigation item.

Version 21.01
- Using unlocker was terminated. From now it is possible to purchase year subscription only. This will help us to keep application and data up to date.
- Updated Czech, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, and Spanish version. Many thanks to Antoine, Juergen, Marco, Krzystof Alex and Rolando.
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