Versions 20-20.26

Information about versions

Versions 20-20.26

Postby kitercuda » 27 Aug 2017, 18:45

Version 20.26
- Updated PDF documents download
- Uploaded 60 countries for PDF download

Version 20.25
- Updated French and Russian versions. Thanks to Antoine and Alex.
- Available Czech user guide (Menu/Downloads/User guide)

Version 20.24
- Updated Czech, Germany, Italian and Polish versions. Thanks to Juergen, Marco and Krzystof.
- Created contributor list (Menu / About)
- Some minor changes

Version 20.23
- User VHF can be added at world database.
- Removed bug

Version 20.22
- Removed bug (Preference crash)

Version 20.21
- Refactored VHFs (internal changes)
- For Italy imported Avioportolano database. Thanks to Marco for his help.

Version 20.20
- Refactored airspaces. New types: FIR, Para, Golf
- Added Germany Para areas to database
- Added FIRs to database
- Italian 3 FIRs splitted to 14 FIS areas (because of VHF)
- Added Squawk to Germany TMZs
- Each Airspace has now possibility to use code link for VHF (which can be different from ICAO code)

Version 20.11
- Updated Russian version, thanks to Alex.
- Removed some bugs

Version 20.10
- When you tap map by two fingers, you will see Distance, BRG and RDL between your fingers. Taping order is important (RDL, BRG).
- Added displaying SR/SS, VHF to Route WPTs
- Refactored displaying route WPTs at landscape mode
- Removed some bugs

Version 20.01
- Updated English version of the User Guide. Many thanks to Antoine
- Updated Czech, German, French, Italian, Polish, and Spanish version. Many thanks to Juergen, Antoine, Marco, Krzystof and Rolando
- Addedd Hang Glider and Motor hang glider as a plane types.
- Downloading PDF added to Info Page

Version 20.00
- Created user interface for downloading PDFs
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