Baro Altitude in Recorded Tracks

Troubles with application

Baro Altitude in Recorded Tracks

Postby Holton181 » 13 Dec 2016, 11:35


As I understand, FiF uses either corrected GPS or barometric altitude in the recorded tracks, depending on what preferences the user has selected.
some questions:
1) What preferences are the valid one? the digital readouts of my altitude doesn't change source (GPS, baro) when selecting what altitude to use for the altitude strip. I assume its the strip altitude that is saved with the track, but I would like a confirmation from Petr just to be sure.

2) If I use barometric altitude, what will happen to my track if I'm required to change my QNH? Will it record a jump up or down on the track? What if I fly above transition altitude, required to use QNE (QNH set to 1013 [29.92])? or like at some places QFE?

3) This is actually a request: If the recorded barometric altitude behaves like I fear in 2), would it be possible to select what altitude source to be used for the recorded track separately from what is used for the altitude strip? This is just to (hopefully) get a smother track when locking at it in Google Earth or similar, and to get a more consistent statistical information, but still be able to use the barometer while flying. I know that in general calibrated barometric altitude gives you better statistical information, but that requires that the reference pressure (QNH) be the same for the entire flight and without pressure changes, basically only possible for short flights within a relatively small geographical area (like in aerobatic flights).

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Joined: 13 Dec 2016, 10:02

Re: Baro Altitude in Recorded Tracks

Postby kitercuda » 14 Dec 2016, 23:12

1. What is selected for altitude strip is also selected for logbook.

2. If you change the QNH, there will be jump. Application records altitude, which you see at the altitude strip.

3. Probably yes.
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Re: Baro Altitude in Recorded Tracks

Postby Holton181 » 15 Dec 2016, 19:25

Excellent to hear you consider nr 3! :D
Posts: 21
Joined: 13 Dec 2016, 10:02

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